Monday, December 11, 2006

CONTACT, November, 2006 Volume 18, Number 2

Our Refugee Family from Sierra Leone
Donald & Christianna Kalley
Israel (born in The Gambia, August 2005)
Donalda (born in Antigonish, October 14, 2006)
This newsmagazine is published in November and June for the congregations of St. Mark’s United Church, Port Hawkesbury and St. David’s United Church, Port Hastings.

St. Mark’s Telephone (Minister’s Office): 625-2229
Fax: 625-3597
St. Mark’s E-mail:
St. David’s Telephone: 625-2178
Camille Chapman, Editor: Telephone: 787-2610
E-mail for articles
E-mail for photos:

The Editor

We hope those of you with internet access are enjoying our Contact blog. Every effort is being made to keep it current. The full colour photos are limitless in the quantity we can post for each event. To save costs, we are trying to keep the printed issue down to 20 pages, so if you want to see the whole picture, check out our blog. E-mail the blog address to your family members who are away.

As a rule, because of today’s climate on the internet we will not be identifying individuals in photos. This is unfortunate but it is best to be on the safe side.

Welcome to Cathy MacLean and to Susan Pierce, who will be entering blog postings for St. David’s. If you want to advertise your events or post photos of past events, give them a call. Shortly, St. Mark’s will have an enlarged blog crew from just me to Rev. Pelley and our secretary, Jane MacKinnon and representatives from each committee.

We are publishing early to get this to you for the first Sunday in Advent. Look on the blog for pictures of St. Mark’s UCW Bazzaar and other Advent and Christmas events.

Have a safe and happy Christmas and don’t forget to take pictures!

Camille Chapman

* Note: There are some difficulties with the old Blog at the moment (photos and text are not where they were meant to be), but I hope to sort them out in the near future. Having this new website may be the answer. So far it is performing well.

Minister’s Message

Dear Friends,

It has been clearly noted that we live in a time when social activity and lifestyle have redirected the spiritual thinking of many people. As a result, many church congregations and the church in general are going through a time of transformation. Statistics indicate that although the majority of people do not attend Sunday worship many claim to have a strong spiritual life.

Throughout the past decade there has been a noticeable decline in support and attendance for the mainline institutional churches, and although as Statistics Canada shows more than three million people claim affiliation with the United Church of Canada, only about fifteen percent of that number attend regularly.

Those in the church pew wonder what the church and it’s ministry will look like in another ten years. How will the church respond to God’s call to ministering to those millions who find faith, spiritual development and ministry a low priority at this point in their life’s journey?

In response to the challenge there are those who identify with new hope and energy. Something new is happening and there are opportunities, but how do we connect with this new reality.

The United Church of Canada sees this as a time of transformation. The Moderator, The Right Reverend David Giuliano states, “Emerging Spirit” and it’s public expression “WonderCafe” are our affirmation that we can be a place of welcome, a place where folk of all kinds can journey together in faith.”

The “Wonder Café” is an initiative to establish and nurture a relationship between the United Church and Canadians between 30 - 45 who are not currently involved with any faith community.

The Wondercafe ( is the public face of the “Emerging Spirit” that people outside the church can embrace. It invites people to explore their spirituality in an open-minded, relevant environment. In doing so it provides an authentic powerful witness of our church.

While inviting people to join us on a spiritual quest, “” is an initiative to provide all of us with the tools needed to bring it to life in our local congregations, so you are invited to come and visit.

We are all learning on the way as we seek to be faithful to the One who calls us to new life.

Pause at “” and enjoy the refreshments.

Rev. Wilf Pelley

Inverness County Welcomes Refugees Resettlement Project

When things finally started to happen, they happened quickly. After weeks, months, even years, when our refugee resettlement project seemed to be moving at a snail’s pace, suddenly, in September, we received word from our contact at the Canadian Department of Immigration that the International Office of Migration had issued tickets for the Kalley family to come to Halifax from Banjul in The Gambia. They said that usually when it reaches this stage, the refugees could arrive within two weeks. Although it still seemed hard to believe, the Committee met and reviewed plans for meeting the refugee family in Halifax and settling them in Port Hood. A list of items needed to set up housekeeping was drawn up and divided among the parishes and pastoral charges to which the Committee members belonged.

Donald, Christiana and Israel (16 months) arrived on October 2 and, after staying overnight in Halifax so they could meet with the appropriate Government departments to be registered, they came to Judique where they stayed at the Ojoleck’s. Within a day or so, it appeared that Christiana might be going into labour, so she was admitted to Inverness Consolidated Hospital. Things settled down, however, so she was discharged from hospital and went to the apartment in Port Hood, where the donated items had been put away and things were ready for their arrival. It was about a week until Christiana was admitted to St. Martha’s, and on Saturday, October 14, Donalda Isatta Kalley was born.

Committee members are helping the Kalleys to get acquainted with their new environment. One way is by bringing them to Church. They have been to St. Mark’s twice, on October 29 and November 19, and they are scheduled to go to St. David’s on November 26. They have also been to St. Peter’s in Port Hood and St. Andrew’s in Judique. Donald is taking driving lessons and is exploring job prospects. His education and experience are mostly in surveying and Civil Engineering, and he has computer experience and has educated himself in Autocad. For the moment, Christiana may have her hands full with two small children, but she has taken courses in accounting and has expressed an interest in becoming a nurse.

A budget has been drawn up to cover living expenses and cash is being allocated to Donald and Christiana from donations to the Refugee Fund. They may be eligible for some government social benefits, which could slow the rate at which the Refugee Fund is drawn down. As yet, we can only guess at which social benefits may be applicable and how much money this will entail. The cost of the driving lessons falls outside this budget, and has been covered by a directed donation to the Refugee Fund.

Dave Chapman

Port Hawkesbury Food Bank

Thanks to everyone at St. Mark’s and St. David’s who continue to donate and assist in any way with the ongoing support of the Food Bank. Many volunteers continue to provide thirty to thirty-five hours of work each week in order to maintain the operation of the agency.

During the Christmas season we are always grateful for the support received from the people of the Strait area. Working with other support agencies in the area prior to Christmas everyone who requests assistance will receive a Christmas dinner.

On December 21st the Food Bank will be open from 10 a.m. until 3:30 p.m. to give clients plenty time to arrange to come for assistance. However, the Food Bank will be closed on December 26th and open again on the first Tuesday in the New Year. Donations may be dropped off at the Food Bank on Mondays between 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. Other arrangements can be made by phoning the Food Bank at 625-3255.

Annabel Butts

Choir Notes

St. Mark’s 40th Anniversary was celebrated on June 11. The choir sang “With a Voice of Singing”.

The choir conducted the service on Sunday August 13 while Rev. Pelley was on vacation.

For St. David’s anniversary on October 15, an overflow choir once again sang “With a Voice of Singing”.

Communications from the Chamber of Commerce indicate that we may be revisiting the Frank Mills program again this year at the fifth annual Festival of Trees on November 28 at the Creamery.

Dave Chapman
Again, we remember the fallen heroes of the great conflicts who lie in a foreign field many miles from their land of origin. Never out of mind, however, is the sacrifice made for us all.

We may recall from our reading of history that, after more than four years of continuous battles, WW I suddenly ended at 11:00 am, 11th November, 1918. The Canadian troops had reached Mons, in Belgium, the scene of some of the heaviest fighting early in the war. 628,000 Canadians had served in the great conflict and 66,500 had died.

Among those dead were 23 Cannuks of about 300 Commonwealth troops who were executed for “cowardice in the face of the enemy”. In these more enlightened times we know that ‘shellshocked’ troops are suffering from one of the Stress Disorders now fully recognized as illnesses. It is in process now for those forgotten casualties of the war that they may be fully pardoned. Accordingly, our government has seen fit to have the names of those victims of that war of unrelenting fury and horror added to the Book of Remembrance, the honour roll of Canada’s war dead in the nation’s capital.

The war we are presently fighting against the terrorist continues in Afghanistan (Canada is at war says retired General Lewis MacKenzie) and we can expect continued casualties on that front. NATO forces are the actual military group with whom we are allied. It is in Afghanistan that Al Qaeda terrorist training grounds are situated under Taliban protection. We have renewed our commitment to this effort against international terror. The terrorisis are a particularly fanatical group whose propaganda tells of a determined effort for world domination over the Christian countries. This is entirely false philosophy, and has no basis in the religion of Islam. The Prophet, Mohammed’s teachings tell us the opposite. It is noteworthy that Saadam Hussein has this week called upon all Sunnis, Shias & Kurds to forgive all their enemies and settle down in peace.

A little quote from a Soldier:

If we thought we’d found the answer
That war is not the way.
Why is this senseless killing
Still going on today.


Bill Charlton,
Branch 43
Royal Canadian Legion

Celebrating St. Mark’s 40th Anniversary, June 20th, 2004


The 40th Anniversary of St. Mark’s United Church was celebrated by three special events the second weekend of June. On June 9th, the Mission and Outreach committee and St. Mark’s Quilters hosted a Quilt Show and Tea. Beautiful quilts were displayed in the church and hall. After viewing the quilts guests had the difficulty of deciding which of the delicious deserts to eat with their tea.


Saturday evening June 10th a choir led by Eddie Parris of Sydney brought the sounds of lively music and rhythmic hand clapping to St. Mark’s sanctuary. The audience that included the members of the local Red Hat Society enjoyed the performance. (The Red Hatters are an organization of women over fifty. The name comes from the poem “Warning” by Jenny Joseph that begins “When I am an old woman I shall wear purple with a red hat...”)


We were pleased that Linda Townsend came to be the guest speaker at our 40th Anniversary Service on Sunday June 11th. The Maritime Conference Heritage Quilt designed by Susan Manley, panels appliqued by Bea Tilsey and quilted by Barb MacIntyre was displayed at the quilt show and at our church service. A pot luck meal was shared after the service when Linda assisted Rev. Wilf in cutting the anniversary cake.

Rilla McLean

St. David’s 121st Anniversary October 15th, 2004

The combined choirs of St. David’s and St. Marks under choir director, Al Fougére lead the congregation in singing for the 121st Anniversary of St. David’s. The service was followed by a pot luck dinner. Mrs. Sadie MacQuarrie with the help of Rev. Pelley and a few of the children cut the cake.

Julia MacKinnon

SAERC Graduates 2006

Jennifer Chisholm

SAERC Graduates 2006

Bhreagh Long

SAERC Graduates 2006

Holly Pringle

SAERC Graduates 2006

Henry Ryan

Katrin MacKinnon Graduates

Katrin MacKinnon

Bachelor of Physical Education (Honours)
Memorial University
May, 2006

Studying for her Bachelor Education degree at St. Frances Xavier University,

Daughter of Julia MacKinnon & the late Murdo MacKinnon

Jared Snair Graduates

Jared Snair

Graduated from Nova Scotia Community College Strait Campus in Carpentry
June 2006

Presently employed in Halifax

Son of Joyce & Lindsay
Grandson of June Oliver

ST. DAVID’S In Memoriams

June Isabell MacKinnon
September 11, 1957 - June 30, 2006

Gary Valma Hill
July 31, 1956 - July 1, 2006

George Danford Smith
March 13, 1922 - July 12, 2006

Mildred Lorine Fox
April 16, 1910 - July 21, 2006

George Charles MacLean
October 15, 1932 - August 28, 2006

ST. MARK’S In Memoriams

Julia Cameron
July 11, 1926 - August 4, 2006

Earl Charles LaLacheur
June 20, 1934 - September 15, 2006

Captain Douglas Jenney Shears
April 17, 1919 - October 13, 2006

ST. DAVID’S Baptism June 18, 2006

Joshua Clayton Hatcher
son of Howard Thomas Hatcher &
Bonnie Heather (Downard) Hatcher
born May 1, 2006

ST. MARK’S Baptism June 23, 2006

Lucie Jean MacDonald
Daughter of Lane Ian MacDonald &
Jessica Jean (Evans) MacDonald
born June 7, 2006

ST. MARK’S Baptism November 5, 2006

ST. MARK’S Baptism November 5, 2006
Sophie Mylene LeMarquand
Daughter of Gary N. LeMarquand &
Erin Marie Butt
born June 6, 2006

St. Mark’s Marriages

Peter Joseph Melnick & Georgeanna Catherine Timmons
July 15, 2006

Peter Anthony Matthews and Shawna Lynn Joyce
September 9, 2006

Ryan Patrick Hicks and Krista Mary Hood
October 7, 2006

St. Mark’s Congregational Board

Our Board committees have been busy with their various responsibilities especially with the Christmas Season fast approaching. They will be giving their own reports for this issue of the Contact. On behalf of the Official Board, I would like to thank everyone on these committees for their dedication and Rev. Pelley for his continued support and guidance.

At a Congregational Meeting on November 5th, the following were nominated to represent St. Mark’s on the Joint Needs Assessment Committee: Annabel Butts, Larry MacKeigan, Andy Palmer, Gladys Knight, Archie Noseworthy, Denis Bernard and Brenda MacEachern. When the Joint Needs Assessment Committee submits its report to Presbytery, a vacancy will be declared. Then a Search Committee can be established and the search can begin to fill the upcoming vacancy with the retirement of Rev. Pelley in June, 2007.

Our financial reports over the past few months show that we are continually in the “red”. I again encourage families in our congregation to sign up for PAR as a means of keeping a steady income of contributions throughout the year.

A Nominating Committee looking for members to serve on our Congregational Board will be appointed soon. Our current Board Chair, Annemary Butcher, will be stepping down in January. Thank you Annemary for your three years at the helm. It is very important that when a member of the Nominating Committee contacts you that you give serious consideration to fill any of the vacant positions on our Board.

Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas and a safe, healthy and Happy New Year.
Ruth MacRae

St. David’s Official Board

St. David’s continues to address the spiritual/financial and physical needs of the Church. For example: Melita continues to advocate in her multi-coloured hat for the Mission and Service Fund. Lisa Rhynold has Sunday School classes underway and a committee is active in assessing the needs of our Church as we begin the initial stage of searching for a new minister.

We continue to support the needs of individuals amongst us and that will include our sponsored family, the Kalleys from Sierra Leone who recently moved into the area. Following service on November 26th, the congregation will join them in fellowship as we assemble for lunch in St. David’s hall.

Also our suport goes out to Master Corporal Scott Pierce, presently stationed in Gagetown, as he prepares to join the forces in Afganistan during the month of January. We want all to ensure that we make a point of touching base with family, friends and community as the Advent Season somes upon us.

We wish all peace and happiness as we close out 2006.

Alicia Vink

St. David’s Worship Committee

A special food collection for the Food Bank took place on Thanksgiving Sunday. There was a tremendous response and we thank everyone for their generosity. Thank you to the Sunday School members for decorating for Thanksgiving. The church looked lovely.

We helped to organize the pot luck meal on St. David’s 121st Anniversary Sunday., October Mrs. Sadie MacQuarrie cut the cake with help from Rev. Pelley and a few of the children.

Committee member, Alicia Vink, contacted the Stora Cadets to participate in our Remembrance Day Service. The Royal Canadian Legion Branch 43 provided the colour party, Mark Greencorn played the Last Post and Revillrie, Jean Marie Deveau presented the wreath, President Art Riley read the roll call of the men who served in Port Hastings and District and recited In Flanders Fields. Sarah MacNeil and Tyson Gale read the scripture. We appreciate the Cadets and Legion members participating in our Remembrance Day Service every year.

Julia MacKinnon

St. Mark’s Worship and Pastoral Care Committee

In June, St.Mark’s recognized the high school graduates who have been part of the congregation and wished them well as they left to further their education. The fortieth anniversary of St. Mark’s church was also celebrated with special events in June. We were pleased to welcome Linda Townsend as Guest speaker on Anniversary Sunday.

During the month of July St. Mark’s congregation worshiped on Sunday with the Congregation of St. David’s and during August while Rev. Pelly was on holidays we were pleased to have St. David’s congregation attend St. Mark’s. Those leading in worship in August were Jim St. Clair, Lorna MacRury, St. Mark’s choir, Rev. Donald MacDonald and Linda Scherzinger. In September it was back to planning for the fall seasons.

A Bible study planned by Rev.Pelly was cancelled due to low attendence. During World wide Communion on October 1st, sixty seven people received communion.

We express our appreciation to those who decorated the Church for Thanksgiving. Recognition of Rememberance Day was held on November 5th and was attended by members of the Royal Canadian Legion as well as Cadets.

The Committee is presently reviewing St. Mark’s membership roll as required.

Since last reporting several marriages were approved by the Committee in keeping with St.Mark’s policy on marriages. Two Baptisms also took place.

With other committees we are now in the process of preparing for the Advent Season and the celebration of the Birth of Christ.

Have a joyful Christmas.
Annabel Butts

St. David’s Roast Beef Dinner

The Board of Stewards held a very successful Roast Beef Dinner on September 22nd when a profit of $1800.00 was realized. The kitchen staff, servers, and clean up crew worked flat out for two hours as over 200 people were served. Many hands make light work and the board appreciates the extra effort of Jane and Ian MacKinnon to the success of the supper. The Board of Stewards members are grateful to all who helped and supported this venture.

Thank you to all.
Julia MacKinnon

St. Mark's Trustees and Finance Committee

High speed internet has been installed in the Church office, and the email address has changed accordingly.

The props for the Last Supper are to be discarded. They have been stored for at least fifteen years, and have suffered some damage over this period. It is unlikely that they would be useable without a lot of repair.

The exposed structural steel of the bell tower was painted over the summer, and all tile floors were stripped and waxed. The water inlet pipe was changed from 1” to 3/4” and the lower capacity meter was installed. Intermediate balusters can be installed on stair railings to bring them up to code (less than 4 inches between balusters).

Eighty-one people aged 16 to 76 slept in the hall when the Bible Society bike tour stopped here on August 28.

We have received almost $4,000 from three insurance policies donated by Danford Smith several years ago. We topped it up to an even $4,000 and used it to pay down the mortgage by this amount.

Dave Chapman

St.Mark's Mission and Outreach Committee

The Mission and Outreach Committee is happy to report that the Ten Thousand Villages sale was again a great success for St. Mark’s and thanks to all those who helped in any way! (See report elsewhere in Contact).

Of our $12,600 M&S Objective for the year 2006, $9000 has been submitted and it is anticipated that we will reach our target. The Pringle cans have brought in about $500 and if you still have yours, please don’t feel it is too late to return it! Just put it in the collection plate and be sure to record your envelope number as it will all be receipted!

It is time to renew your subscription to The United Church Observer. If you have never gotten this subscription, it is a wonderful way to keep in touch with your church and your faith community. It has lots of thought provoking articles, reports of what is going on in other churches, and around the world and how the United Church and its people are part of it all. I personally think it is a great little magazine and one that I usually read cover-to-cover - sometimes sitting in the car in front of the Post Office! And it is the best deal in town as a one-year subscription is only $14. Remember to renew your subscription or if you haven’t got it - it is time to pick it up!!! See Bonnie Dawson!

Lana MacLean

St. David’s U.C.W.

Our U.C.W. group continues to meet monthly at noon for lunch followed by the meeting. We made monetary gifts to the Tatamagouche Centre and to the Inverness County Refugee Fund. We received $180.00 from our Sobey’s slips in October. Thanks to all those who support this project by bringing in their receipts and Margaret Ashford for tabulating and submitting them.

Our members gave gifts to the Sunday School teachers in recognition of their contributions to the children in the congregation at the closing on June 4th. A Bible was presented to Joshua Clayton Hatcher on June 18th at the time of his baptism.

An Angel Tree will once again be set up in the church entry on November 26. Members of the congregation are asked to help facilitate the collection of food and gifts for the Christmas boxes so can provide to needy families in our community.

A Homemade Pie Sale will be held on November 29th at the Port Hawkesbury Centre starting at 10 am. Our group will organize lunch to follow the White Gift Service on December 3rd.

Julia MacKinnon

Ten Thousand Villages Sale - A Huge Success

The St. Mark’s Mission and Outreach Committee, again, hosted the Ten Thousand Villages Sale on Saturday, October 28, 2006. The total sales for the day was $11,223.00 before taxes. This was an increase over the previous year which had been $9600 in sales. Our volunteer sale coordinators, visiting from Saskatchewan, told us that the proceeds from $3500 in sales would feed and provide for a family of four for one year. We were able to assist in the care of three plus families for the next year. That feels good to me!

Hosting this sale means a lot of details to put it altogether, but the old adage “Many hands makes light work” proved to be very true in this endeavour. Ruth was there was start to finish, quietly attending to many of those details. From the publicity given by local papers and 101.5 The Hawk, the people who put up posters, set up tables, unloaded the truck, unpacked boxes, Melita who made a yummy stew for lunch, Barb’s delicious homemade Parker- house rolls, June and Bonnie for their awesome desserts, to those who helped pack up and load the truck and finally swept the floor, we had lots of helpers. We were even more efficient for our customers this year as we had two computerized checkouts and Barb Lelacheur who made the cash, credit card and debit transactions go very smoothly! We had wrappers and floaters and LOTS of happy shoppers. The Beavers were in the Lobby providing a healthy snack as they had their Apple Day. Special thanks to Jean Wilson, who hosted the family from Ten Thousand Villages for two nights.

There were lots of people who helped to make the event a success and a fun couple of days! Most importantly, we all did a bit to help people in far away lands.

Be sure to mark your calendar for the same weekend next year!!

Lana MacLean

St. Mark’s Men’s Group

Our delegate to the Youth Forum could not attend due to a conflicting activity but another delegate took her place and our $50 donation was changed to reflect this.

This year we remembered to make our annual $500 donation to the General Fund before the summer.

We are expecting to do our usual fundraiser, possibly a buffet supper, on February 2 most likely. This will be decided at our December meeting, as waiting until the January meeting would be cutting it a bit fine.

Dave Chapman

St. Mark’s Ways & Means Committee

Since our last report we are pleased to announce we have raised $427.03 with the Girl Guide dinner on June 8th. Our latest event was the Roast Beef Dinner on November 3 with a final figure of $1,588.86. To date our total has reached $3,332.89. Whether you set the tables, peeled a potato, poured the tea, baked a cake or just sat and enjoyed the meal, we couldn’t do it without you. We THANK YOU!!

Brenda MacEachern

St. Mark's Helping Hands Flea Market

The Flea Market held at St. Mark’s Church Hall on Saturday, September 30 was a success and earned over $500. A cheque for $100 was immediately turned over to the treasurer of Inverness County Welcomes to help support our refugee family from Sierra Leone who will arrive October 1st.

St. Mark’s Christian Eucation Committee

Since our last report in June we have seen some changes. The Christian Education Committee now has seven members. Unfortuantely, two of our members have moved away. We were sorry to see Annette, John, Justine, Raylene, Markus, Terri, Neil, Hannah and Willem leave. Annette contributed a lot of time to our Sunday School and Christian Education committee and Terri helped in the Nursery on Sunday morning and was also a member of our CE committee. Thank you to our committee members and Sunday School Superintendent and teachers who have had to increase their load because of those who have moved on. We were very fortunate, however, that Heather Roussy has agreed to be the Superintendent, along with all the teachers’ help. We need to get some more members on our committee to replace those we have lost, please consider joining us as we continue to help in the spiritual growth of our children.

Sunday School reopened on September 10th, this year we have seventeen children registered in Sunday School. New members are always welcome, so just drop in and see what its all about. We have a very dedicated Superintendent and teachers. We also have a Youth Service that is co-ordinated by Lana MacLean for the teens of St. Mark’s and St. David’s. Teens interested in joining this dynamic group, please contact Lana MacLean or any member of the Christian Education Committee.

Brianna Phillips represented St. Mark’s church at Youth Forum last May. Brianna, Paige Walker and Holly Pringle came back from Youth Forum with lots of enthusiasm and shared it with everyone at the Youth Service in June. A Thank You card was received from Brianna for helping to sponsor her for Youth Forum.

The Grads from St. Mark’s were presented with a card and bookmark and a cake was shared in their honour after the service.

The CE committee purchased pamphlets that explain what the United Church is about and what it offers. They are on the table in the Narthex and are available for anyone to take home or distribute to various places in the community.

CE committee hosted a tea for the Sunday School Superintendent and teachers on Monday, October 2nd. Heather Roussy chaired the meeting and Rev. Pelley presented some information that could be used help prepare the children for confirmation, beginning when they are in the younger grades. Discussion took place regarding various activities the children will be involved in between now and Christmas.

On Thanksgiving Sunday, the children paraded in the church with food for the “Food Bank”. The Sunday School will by parade in with donations wrapped in white paper on White Gift Sunday. December 3rd at 7 p.m. , the Youth Group and the Sunday School children will be presenting a “Hanging of the Greens” service. All are welcomed to attend the service and we would like to see as many people out as possible, especially, the young people.

Please visit our “blogspot” to find out what’s going on in our church, the website is:

The Sunday School closing on May 28th was a success, the children did very well in the service and the pool party was enjoyed by all.

Thank you to all the dedicated Christian Education Committee members, Superintendent, teachers, helpers, Melita, Rev. Pelley, Al and the choir, Lana MacLean and all who are committed to the spiritual growth of our children.
Please remember in your prayers, all our church family members who are going through difficult times because of illness.

Elaine Noseworthy

St. David’s Sunday School

St. David’s had their Sunday School closing June 4th. The U.C.W. presented the teachers with small gifts for their contribution to the children of our congregation. A pot luck dinner was held after the church service.

Julia MacKinnon

St. Mark’s Sunday School

The 2005-06 year ended with a wonderful pool party, followed by cake and ice cream. There was an excellent turn out.

Over the summer, we sadly said “good-bye” to Annette Harnish and her family. Many of us gathered at St.Mark’s to wish them well. Annette’s presence has been greatly missed in the Sunday School. Thankfully, we have a wonderful group of 13 teachers and 4 nursery helper who are extremely helpful. I send my thanks to all of them, as they have all been acting as “mini-superintendents”. I would like to extend a special welcome to Heather Blundon who has joined us as a teacher this year.

On September 10th, we had Sunday School Registration. We currently have 16 children registered. We are continuing to use the “One Room Sunday School” curriculum, with separate Junior and Senior Sunday School groups. Our registration is ongoing, and we would welcome children to join the Sunday School at any time. We are also in need of more Sunday School Teachers, and are hopeful that there may be other men or women in the congregation who are interested in volunteering. The teachers are currently scheduled on a two week basis, and the curriculum is extremely easy to follow. There are many of you in the congregation with gifts to share with our children, and the rewards of teaching are tremendous.

On October 2nd, the Sunday School Teachers, along with Elaine Noseworthy (CE Committee Chair), Rev. Pelley, and Camille Chapman (CE Committee member), met to discuss the needs of the Sunday School children, particularly the Senior group. We received greatly appreciated advice from Rev. Pelley with regards to helping to prepare the children for Confirmation. Rev. Pelley reinforced the idea that preparation for Confirmation should begin in the early Sunday School years, and he offered us some valuable teaching tools to assist with this preparation. The senior class now have updated duotang binders with copies of this information. The Senior Sunday School teachers have their own copy, and they are documenting the items reviewed each week to aid in continuity. The evening ended with tea, and lots of delicious treats.

The Sunday School children participated in the Thanksgiving service by carrying the congregation’s food donations to the alter. The food was later delivered to the Port Hawkesbury Food Bank. Thank you to all who donated items, and to those who delivered them. The children are beginning to prepare for the upcoming “Hanging of the Greens” service on December 3rd at 7:00 pm. This service will be in conjunction with the Youth Group, and will replace the White Gift Pageant which has been held in past years. I would like to say thank you to the Youth Group, and to Lana MacLean (Youth Group Leader) for including the Sunday School in what is sure to be a beautifully meaningful service. We also thank you Al Fougere and the choir for their willingness to participate. All of the Sunday School children will be included in the service, and we welcome any other families with children to participate, even if they have not yet registered. The first practice will be on Sunday November 26th following the church service. We will meet again on Friday December 1st at 6 p.m. to decorate the church and to practice. We will provide pizza for the children on Friday night. Families in the congregation who attend the service will be asked to bring an ornament to place on the Christmas Tree during the service.

I would like to thank Lana MacLean for taking on the role of Youth Group Leader. She is working very hard, and doing a wonderful job. My sincere thanks goes out to all of the Sunday School Teachers for their willingness to help in so many ways. Thank you to the CE Committee for their support, and to Jane for all that she does to help us. And a very special thank you goes out to Rev. Pelley and Mrs. Pelley for their ongoing advice and guidance. Finally, I would like to say good-bye and good luck to Terri and Neil Fraser and their children. On behalf of the Sunday School, I would like to thank Terri for her help over the years, and wish their family the best of luck in their new community.

Heather Brander Roussy

Comings & Goings

St. Mark’s Church said goodbye to two families recently. John, Annette, Raylene, Justine and Marcus Harnish moved to Ear Falls, Ontario. Neil, Terri, Hannah and Willem Fraser moved to New Glasgow. We will miss both families as they were involved in all children’s activities especially Sunday School.

Best wishes to you in your new homes.
Rilla McLean

Advent and Christmas Schedule

December 10
2nd Sunday in Advent, Light Advent Candle of PEACE

WHITE GIFT SERVICE at St. Mark's at 9:30 a.m.
Service at St. David's at 11:15 a.m.

December 17
3rd Sunday in Advent, Light Advent Candle of JOY

Service at St. Mark's at 9:30
WHITE GIFT SERVICE at St. Davids’s at 11:15 a.m.
Mulgrave & Area Ecumenical Choir at 7 p.m. Lunch to follow
The Youth Group will sing carols and share goodies with the residents of Sunset Manor at 7 p.m. Come along and share in the singing and good cheer!

Christmas Eve
4th Sunday in Advent, Light Advent Candle of LOVE

Combined Service at St. Mark's at 9:30 a.m.
Service at St. Mark's with Communion at 6:30 p.m.
Service at St. David's with Communion at 8 p.m.

New Year's Eve

Service at St. Mark's at 9:30 a.m.
Service at St. David's at 11:15 a.m.